Vltava Philharmonic


Tomáš Bojar


Jiří Chod

Stanislav Adam

Adam Olha


Jan Macola


Mimesis Film

The construction of a new concert hall in Prague designed by leading Danish architects from the BIG studio has been carefully prepared for several years, at the same time, in a music school in Český Krumlov, young children are growing up, some of whom may become real musicians in the future. And perhaps one day they will even perform in the newly built Vltava Philharmonic. If it’s true that “architecture is frozen music,” it will be interesting to closely observe how both gradually come to life. The creative process itself is, regardless of its final result, as fascinating as the flow of the river that connects Krumlov with Prague. Also because it’s about answering the question of who we are and who we want to be.

The time-lapse observational film is thus intended to follow, over several years, both the gradual genesis of the Vltava Philharmonic building and the musical and personal development of several young Krumlov musicians in parallel. It doesn’t come to a finished building or an established performer, but captures in live, unarranged situations how both are gradually born. And this is precisely the thematic core of the entire film: Creating is joy. Building is joy. Mastering the piano, violin, clarinet, or tuba is joy. But before real joy arrives, one must work. Because creation is, after all, mainly work. When work is truly creative, it makes sense to closely follow the entire process, even with ongoing pains, doubts, and indeed various inevitable stumbles – especially when at its end stands an indisputable work or artistic performance.

Tomáš Bojar

Tomáš Bojar studied political science, international relations, and law at Charles University, where he also completed his doctoral studies in ethics. He has been involved in filmmaking since 2003, first as a screenwriter and dramaturge, later as a director and producer. In collaboration with director Pavel Abrahám, he created feature-length documentaries "Czech RAPublic" (2008) and "Two Nil" (2012). With director Rozálie Kohoutová, he worked on "FC Roma" (2016) and "Summer Hockey" (2019). In 2018, he completed the documentary "Breaking News" and, with Zuzana Kirchnerová, the five-part documentary series "Five Brave Ones." As a screenwriter, he worked on Martin Mareček's documentary "Over the Hills" (2019) and co-authored the concept for Erika Hníková's "Every Single Minute" (2021). In 2022, he completed "Good Old Czechs" and "Art Talent Show" (with Adéla Komrzý). He runs a small production company, Cinema Arsenal, and teaches at the Department of Documentary Film at FAMU in Prague.

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